Sunday, October 18, 2009


You haven't seen me on my own blog because I start to write on my computer and without warning it crashes. I have finally found out by having it happen more than once, that my computer crashed when he refigerator goes on...or today the people upstairs got up and they must have turned something on. Everything upstairs and down is hooked to one circuit. As I type I have unplugged my refigerator so that it doesn't go on and wipe out what I am saying.
This is progressive San Francisco where the old building have not caught up with progressive ideas, where old road have pot holes that will ruin your tires and your shocks. Where the telephone man couldn't hook up the phone because it caused one more thing on the circuit. Where it took a month to get Direct TV, instead of next day like the advertisement tell you.
Where healthcare has billed the government for $30,000 worth of tests without giving the patient one treatment. Where politicians keep fattening their pockets as they cut services to the homeless. And since I still have hope of a cure, I don't want to bite the hand who might make me well, but I am full of doubt as I weave down the street, a drunk without a beer, my numb hands and feet always cold. And when I read about my healthcare company making 23 billion dollar profit in 2007, I'd like to see the figures for this year. Insurance companies are always on the top list of profiteers. Ofcourse they need a lot of money, to pay all of those lobbyist they have in Washington D.C.
Can it be that Captitalist greed has become the norm and the Golden Rule has long been thrown out of practice. The Stockmarket, Politicians, the Banks, the hospitals, the Healthcare system, Corporations, almost everyone practicing greedology. We think nothing of not paying our taxes, if we can get away with, for what is the government doing for us? They steal from us with promises they don't keep and we steal from them. Healthcare tries to steal from the Government because they know that no matter what they summit, they will only get a part of it. Keep it high and you might get enough. They steal the health of the poor with tests after useless tests, while their sickness rage on, so that they can keep billing. The Stockmarket knew people had a nest egg they had been saving little by little for years. They figured out a way to steal it, with the IRA...politicans and lobbist working with them. They wanted that nest egg and the people on the job couldn't even choose they own stocks. The Mortgage company employees thought nothing of writing false earning reports so they could earn bigger and bigger pay checks on larger loans and they knew the government insured most of it. And the Healthcare companies helping with medicare for the government...profited like greedy pig in a bucket of swill. And what about me, they wanted to appraise my house for $280,000....sure I'll take it, my little $600 a month SS won't take we anywhere. Why not... rotten wages for a waitress had been $2.13 for years and years and years ...Plus tip, ofcourse. And people are worried about communism where people actually take a fair share. Pigs in the bucket of Capitalism want to go on practicing Greedology and that is why banks are cropping up on far away islands where nobody will ever be able to get their hands on...the hand out money or other untold profits.
As over 85 thousand people have seen death in the middle east, I wonder if greedology and profiteers on guns, oil and war machines are not wanting this war to go on and on and on. As America seems to want to be the only country who can threaten with nuclear weapons. America...come on...This is America....lets forget about all this and go make some money.


  1. You will probably feel better if you start trying to think of stuff you can be positive about. Just to give your mind a rest from dealing with an injury. Looks like the injury is going to be there, but a constant state of disgruntlement is going to add to the misery. Let us look at one thing you mentioned, borrowing on the house, this way. Never have so many poor people benefited from the loosening of the purse strings of the banks to give them loans on their houses which they planned to let go into foreclosure if this high payment surely proved to be too much for their income and working ability. They did not really lose anything because they could not afford to live in a house that expensive which value the lender bank had inflated. The money lender took the hit not the money borrower. You have to think creatively instead of always pointing the finger of blame and castigation. Think how much fun it was to spend the money, and thousands did this. Well, we have had a recession because of it but the banks have had to learn their lesson about relaxing the rules of lending money too much for a change, instead of the poor always learning the painful lessons. When the people could not pay they just walked away from their houses. They weren't that attached to having houses anyway.
    The healthcare people over here are busy giving lots of people health care regardless of whether they have missed you. But I don't think you are prepared quite yet to have major surgery on your neck as they are not prepared to give it to you. You have met with this accident. So that can't be undone. It's just like old age. You can't turn back the pages of time.
    It will be really hard to be a little less disgruntled about numb hands and feet. We were all willing to let you express your great frustration with that for a long time, but what happens to people who stay disgruntled is people start to avoid them. I am sure the smiling and joking sick and injured people get more visitors than the angry resentful ones. I do not think an angry blog will get you much sympathy at this point, which you really need. I suggest a more creative approach, a touch more of resignation, taking some of the blame, then I would be glad to keep you company. Bitching might make you feel better temporarily, but it will keep the visitors away.

  2. This long (blog) comment to my blog sounds very much like big sister telling little sister what to public, which I am highly allergic to. You have let me be disgrunted..for a long time, you say this... you who has milked, an milked...for years what tired or tiresome illness you have. Thank God nobody is reading my blog...and I will be happy not to tell them about it. We sister would probably only embarrass ourselves and everyone else with a real King sister fight...that you claim to hate, but don't mind starting, but it's hard not to comment on your comment.

  3. I know. Write a poem. That will change the mood. I think all of Dave's Women Poems were written for the Boulder Women's Festival and they were wild and funny. It is good to think about women and what they are all about!
