Thursday, August 6, 2009


Of Two Minds

It is the strong, working
Physical men I love
The construction workers
The utility workers
The truck drivers
Those men working
In the fields
The cowboys
The lumberjacks
The steel workers
The factory workers
The farmers
Driving bailers and rakes
Or plowing the ground
Yes, even the plumbers
And electricians
I like fishermen and hunters
....But then again
I crave those men
Who write poetry and songs
A man who paints
or sculptures is devine
And I adore all who play
or make music
Guitar players turn me on
Saxophone players I want to kiss
Drummers and their beat I desire
Dancers are most wonderful
I love a man who reads
Torn between mind and muscle
I am hopelessly of two minds
...Linda King 8/06/09

Bird's Eye View

I am circling myself
With fluttering wings
I fly around and around myself
Examining my consciousness
Deciding what thoughts
I want to keep or discard
Which ones I want to
Rearrange or move
What desires I want to explore
From above I can see
The uselessness of
Fear and self doubt
I see I stick pins in own myself
I can see an expanded picture
And can change direction
Change attitudes
Change a own
It has been happening, lately
Just flying high above myself
Yes, now I can see
...Linda King 8/06/09


  1. I see you are getting into the swing of things in SF, poetically speaking. Always good to read some of your poems. I like both of these a lot. Be sure to prepare two or three of your new ones so you can read them on video when you come to Phoenix. Gerry

  2. Love your new poems. They put a song in my heart and I'm not even writing them.

  3. Go with the mind...muscle is dead.
